Monday 9 September 2013


No one knows for certain, what the approximate population in Africa is, in a continent where quite frankly life is considered cheaper than a materialistic icon the such of any German saloon car for instance.

But one thing I can assure you as an African. The tide is slowly turning.

Today Africa can boast of large, ever growing, educated, vibrant, passionate, proud, and talented younger generations, who have learned by virtue of war, famine, poverty, and early death, not to fall for the same sorry ass excuses their parents fell for in the sixties, seventies, and eighties, in order to justify their lazy, cowardly lack of approach at fighting for what was and is duly theirs, as they passively watched foreigners install puppets in order for these same foreigners to reap what they never sowed, and never will!

Obviously it is common knowledge, that these foreigners simply did not breeze into our vastly wealthy continent with little or if at all, any cash, in order to decades, centuries later, reap billions, trillions, quadrillions, from a continent they labelled as "The dark continent " as if off away on a walk, from their middle classed, suburban houses on a sunny, pleasant afternoon in their own respective countries. The complicity was clearly spear headed by their gruesome, capitalistic barbaric master plan, which included assassinating great African patriots, in the fifties, sixties, seventies, and eighties, thus installing rusty puppets of no human or essential value, so that their master plan of raping Africa dry, could be executed, as it has been, and will continue for some time to come.

But we need to truly and objectively look at " the dark continent" as intelligent, non greedy, cultured, and visionary people this globe over, have been doing for decades; that you can never oppress a people, today estimated at a little bit over 300 million with the numbers impressively rising, for evermore.  No matter how many sold out puppets you keep installing in the "the dark continent". The light has finally fallen upon Africa, no thanks to the greedy bastards, and pathetic fools who enslaved Africa in benefit of their own private, and personal gains, but fundamentally due to the endless resilience of Africans, and Africa alone!

I am pleased as a middle aged African, to see the generations following mine, understand, that they simply must take their destiny into their own hands, and must not wait around for hand outs that they know only too well, they will never see. The greedy global bastards that roam this vast planet, like blood thirsty vampires, with their bitten, and smitten installed puppets, who are only too happy to drink down African economies, with the aid of  a vile French drink commonly known as champagne, most definitely have their satanic days numbered to end.

Yes, it won't take too much longer now, as we Africans have awaited for our liberation from the satanic foes for centuries, and we know now, as all indicators point out, economic, spiritual, and every other wise, that now it's just a question of years. The younger African generations of today  are now thankfully connected to the same technology the greedy bastards use in their luxurious offices world over. This essentially only goes to reinforce the message behind the feeble, that the mad professor who conceived the monster,  ultimately gets eaten by his own conception. Believe  you me, it is very very encouraging to the African generations marching on behind, that look forward to being them doing all the eating with all their heart and mind, as opposed to being left the only other inevitable option of being eaten. My advise quite frankly on this issue is "get as hungry as you possibly can young Africans, as hungry as you possibly can".

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