Friday 1 February 2013


Terrorists are destructive people mostly with out any fundamental political agenda? True. Terrorists pray on weak, impoverished, hungry people to be able to harness and recruit new members for their endless crusade of destruction? True! Mali became a new breeding ground for these faceless, mosquito type of beings, to perpetuate more recruitment, through more destruction? True.

Is any European or well positioned western power,  going to spend millions of Euros at a time when Europe is facing, a serious financial melt down, without having some form of tangible, physical interest in a small dried up territory that does not produce nothing in quantity but dust? No.

Stabilizing Mali, for the French government, means stabilizing Mali's immediate neighboring borders, which include Senegal, and France's Africa's golden apple Ivory Coast, just to mention a few, that possess more tangible, physical interests, than a dried up desert, where predominantly flies, dust, and poverty are more representative, than ivory, precious stones, cocoa, potential oil reserves, and the list goes on, and on...