Africa had to emulate the west it didn't have a choice after long years of occupation, the old term for colonization.
The life styles the synthetic image of exterior success, the American European dream that killed the ancient African dream was nemesis revisited this time with new fresh guinea pigs. A simple African dream, a man hunts, farms, builds a roof over his wife's head, he loves her, she takes great care of the household the children, helps with farming, and other chores, she loves him unconditionally. He is her world, they love themselves, truly content with what they have, and are happy, in love until death do them part.

Then came in the insatiable beast of capitalism, capitalism, over socialism, over Africanism with the its fierce little brother greed or over greed. What was a simple and manageable lifestyle, quiet, peace minded reality inevitably was substituted in post independence by much more far fetched ambitions, the same; the Westerners had and have. And with it came their value system, killing ours, came their pop culture over our ancient culture, aesthetics over substance, immorality over decency gold over love. The need to have the pretty plush house the car, our women drenched in expensive perfume and relishing European fashion, and all that we can access materialistically took over completely our once less complicated, simpler and far more reasonable lives. All in the name that we too live like our once white skinned occupiers did, even though we didn't before their occupation, until we expelled them, and even celebrated what we thought was true and unconditional freedom. A neo freedom. In wealthy African countries this maddening hunger for materialism is as clear as the sun, and as abrupt and aggressive as a rhino storming towards you for the kill. We will literally do anything today to obtain that dream house, literally anything, for the Mercedes even more, for the shoes the watch the fashion perfumes, the glamorous and sexy wardrobe your wife will even become a whore not to talk about your girlfriend, cousin sister, and more. Divorce rates are high in this continent now, specially when the bubble bursts as it normally does for the majority. We had it all the cars the houses, the exotic travels, the kids in great schools, anything we are willing to become enslaved for. But wait a minute what happened to the love? As we sleep in separate bedrooms as a couple, practically mutually untouchable but attend church as one, with abundant smiles as all seems fine. Those who don't want to divorce or separate are willing to love this farce until the end of their days.
Many today are simply tired of the farce the act though. The searching for love in hundreds of sites have quadrupled, conversations between certain single people certainly divorcees or separatees range now from quality of life, to romantic travels, peace of mind, true pure love, to living in a simple lifestyle, with the one you love, the one you will die with. As it was four hundred years ago, before the white man accidentally found our shores and cursed them. No longer merry pre marital, conversations about the mighty big house, the fleet of cars, the American dream tenfold. We were there, done that, had that, but our souls and hearts remain empty, as life so it seems, has lost its true sweetness. Spending time our singles time in our forties with friends, rather than with a now much appreciated loved one we now have to seek at our lonely fragile age. Contemplating holding hands with that special one at a beach, watching another breath taking sunset, and kissing and frolicking until sunrise. Yes we learned we learned the way most of us prefer, the hard way, as we drown inside our empty souls. If only we had realized when we were young. Better love over gold, genuine peace of mind, and happiness, no large bills and credits and loans to pay, rather than waking up some day realizing what a frock of nonsense it all was, the imported dreams and all the rest. Specially when we had our own, simple and warm, realistic and free; from, vanity, from shame, from the creditors.
Yes For sure,
Love Over Gold...... Love Over Gold Anytime....