Massive corruption, where billions and billions of of dollars are syphoned every year, to impoverish citizens of development countries, who die due to lack of basic amenities, such as clean water, access to doctors, etc must be declared A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, and punishable under international law in the likes of the Hague. Enough is enough, people in the millions are killed every year due to massively uncontrolled corruption, many times fermented by the West; only that it is a far slower slaughter than genocide.
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
- In 1993 a book was published by the author Peter Maslowski on the coverage of World War Two by photographers of the US army and the impact, it had in covering the perspective to one of the world's most brutal world wars was brutal. Since then cameras world wide have caught historic moments both by professionals and amateurs alike. Like in 1992 the video images of an amateur who caught a driver being brutally beaten up by 8 members of the police in the U.s.a. If not for someone capturing that moment history would have passed by, as just another day in the spectrum of social injustice. Have you got a camera whether a still video or one in your smart phone? Keep snapping away, you never know your camera could be the next one to produce a powerful moment, one which could be detriment to how the world in your end could change, and hopefully as usually, for the better, where gross acts acts of brutality against humanity or massive social injustice are committed. Arm yourself with a camerayou could be the next person to contribute to a significant moment in time or history
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Gone a beautiful woman a beautiful artist,. Your voice and your grace will allways be irreplaceable. You are in peace now Whitney rest on forever, your unique and only voice shall allways remain with us.
Friday, 10 February 2012
Saturday, 4 February 2012
The Sruggle Has Only Begun!!!
And the luta continua!!! The stuggle for decency a stop to the total destruction of Nigeria's wealth by semi mafia groups who have taken over the governance of 150 million people must stop, and will, for no situation is permanent!!1 These photos speak for themeseves seven days of standing up for our rights. And certainly not the last!!!
One From A Visionay
One from those rare visionaries that appear once every fifty years. Stand Up Get Up Stand Up For Your Rights!!! Can only come from a man who used music as as weapon to fight grave social injustice, the irreplaceable Bob Marley, How willing are we specially in Africa, willing to do the same. A seasoned thought.

Friday, 3 February 2012
Protesting Against The Lack Of Accountability!
A couple of weeks ago, millions of protestors took to the streets first to protest against the 115% increase in fuel, but suddenly their voices soon spoke out against the unsustainable greed, and corruption that exists in our cooridors of power, and that must stop one day!!! A country where billions of dollars go unaccounted for every year, to feed the almost inhuman ostentation that supposedly democratically elected officials, seem
to claim as their own personal inheritance.
Information is power, never before has so much information been diffused to Nigerians who have access to the internet and smart phones. The same information diffusion that historically have made governments collapse world over for decades. I welcome you to one more diffuser Radar Naija, the radars are on, fearless, bold, and up front, coming from thousands of Nigerians and non Nigerians worldwide. The truth allways comes out in the end!!! And history has shown us many lessons. Radar Naija.
to claim as their own personal inheritance.
Information is power, never before has so much information been diffused to Nigerians who have access to the internet and smart phones. The same information diffusion that historically have made governments collapse world over for decades. I welcome you to one more diffuser Radar Naija, the radars are on, fearless, bold, and up front, coming from thousands of Nigerians and non Nigerians worldwide. The truth allways comes out in the end!!! And history has shown us many lessons. Radar Naija.
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